Tzoa-Davening and learning near feces and urine[1]: Summary of laws-Part 1 1. The Biblical prohibition:[2] It is Biblically forbidden for one to pray, say the Shema, or learn Torah, within the sight, or close proximity, of feces [i.e. Tzoa]. The source in scripture: This prohibition is derived from the verse […]
Tzoa-Davening and learning near feces and urine: Summary of laws-Part 1
Tzoa-Davening and learning near feces and urine[1]: Summary of laws-Part 1 1. The Biblical prohibition:[2] It is Biblically forbidden for one to pray, say the Shema, or learn Torah, within the sight, or close proximity, of feces [i.e. Tzoa]. The source in scripture: This prohibition is derived from the verse […]
What to do if absentmindedly Davened Musaf before Shacharis on Shabbos and Yom Tov?
Question: [Thursday, 12th Sivan, 5783] On Yom Tov when we got up to the Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis and needed to turn the pages in order to reach the Yom Tov Shemoneh Esrei, I absentmindedly turned to the Musaf Shemoneh Esrei of Yom Tov, and ended up praying the entire […]
From the Rav’s Desk: What to do if absentmindedly Davened Musaf before Shacharis on Shabbos and Yom Tov?
Question: [Thursday, 12th Sivan, 5783] On Yom Tov when we got up to the Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis and needed to turn the pages in order to reach the Yom Tov Shemoneh Esrei, I absentmindedly turned to the Musaf Shemoneh Esrei of Yom Tov, and ended up praying the entire […]
Giving a massage on Shabbos
Giving a massage on Shabbos:[1] Introduction: Giving a massage on Shabbos, although does not touch upon any biblical prohibition, contains several rabbinical regulations which are rooted in the general prohibition of giving medical treatment, and a prohibition against doing mundane activity known as Uvdin Dechol. The regulations and laws depends […]
Giving a massage on Shabbos
Giving a massage on Shabbos:[1] Introduction: Giving a massage on Shabbos, although does not touch upon any biblical prohibition, contains several rabbinical regulations which are rooted in the general prohibition of giving medical treatment, and a prohibition against doing mundane activity known as Uvdin Dechol. The regulations and laws depends […]
Fact or myth-May one eat the ends of the bread/Challah or must one throw it out
Fact or myth-May one eat the ends of the bread/Challah or must one throw it out:[1] Many people are accustomed to cut off the ends of a loaf of bread and not to eat it.[2] Others, however, are not accustomed to avoid eating the ends of the bread, and on […]
Fact or myth-May one eat the ends of the bread/Challah or must one throw it out
Fact or myth-May one eat the ends of the bread/Challah or must one throw it out:[1] Many people are accustomed to cut off the ends of a loaf of bread and not to eat it.[2] Others, however, are not accustomed to avoid eating the ends of the bread, and on […]
Paying a brokers fee for a canceled rental agreement
Question: [Wednesday, 11th Sivan 5783] For several weeks we have been looking into leasing a certain apartment through a Frum broker and finally agreed to go through with the rental, sending the broker a message that we have decided to rent the apartment. He told us he would bring the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Paying a brokers fee for a canceled rental agreement
Question: [Wednesday, 11th Sivan 5783] For several weeks we have been looking into leasing a certain apartment through a Frum broker and finally agreed to go through with the rental, sending the broker a message that we have decided to rent the apartment. He told us he would bring the […]