Mechila- Forgiving your honor as a parent:[1] A father who forgives his honor, his honor is forgiven. [Thus, if one understands from his parent that they do not desire a certain matter of excessive respect that their son shows them, then the son may abstain from doing so.[2] This, however, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: When do the three week regulations begin, the night of the 17th or the next day?
Question: [Tuesday, 15th Tamuz 5783] There is a concert scheduled to take place this Wednesday night which is the 17th of Tamuz. May I go to the concert? My basic question is do the three-week restrictions begin to apply already on the night of the 17th of Tamuz or do […]
When do the three week regulations begin, the night of the 17th or the next day?
* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email Question: [Tuesday, 15th Tamuz 5783] There is a concert scheduled to take […]
Doing the Mitzvah in a happy spirit:
Doing the Mitzvah in a happy spirit:[1] One is to serve his parents with a positive and happy attitude [i.e., Sever Panim Yafos]. One who serves and honors their parents with a negative attitude [i.e., Panim Zoafos] is [not considered to have fulfilled the mitzvah of honoring his parents at […]
Can one who already bentched join a Zimun?
Question: [Monday, 9th Sivan 5783] We were a group of 10 during a meal, three of which did not wash but did eat other foods which require an after blessing. The other seven washed on bread, however the problem is that one of them already Bentched. So basically, my question […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Can one who already bentched join a Zimun?
Question: [Monday, 9th Sivan 5783] We were a group of 10 during a meal, three of which did not wash but did eat other foods which require an after blessing. The other seven washed on bread, however the problem is that one of them already Bentched. So basically, my question […]
Can Beis Din enforce a child to honor or fear his parents:
Can Beis Din enforce a child to honor or fear his parents:[1] Despite the above obligation to honor [and fear] one’s parents, a Jewish court of law cannot [even slightly[2]] enforce the children to honor their father [or mother].[3] [Some Poskim[4], however, rule that a Jewish court of law may […]
Why is no blessing recited by the Mitzvah of Kibbud Av Vaeim:
Why is no blessing recited by the Mitzvah of Kibbud Av Vaeim:[1] A blessing is not to be recited upon doing an act of honor or fear of one’s parent, even though that upon doing so one fulfills a positive command.[2] __________________________________________ [1] Rashba 1:18 [Meyuchasos 189]; Or Zarua […]
The reason behind the Mitzvah of Kibbud Av Vaeim:
The reason behind the Mitzvah of Kibbud Av Vaeim:[1] Hakaras Hatov:[2] The root of this command is due to that it is befitting of a person to recognize and act with kindness towards one who has been kind to him. One should not be ungrateful and ignore [one who has […]
Segulos for helping one fulfill the mitzvah of honoring his parents:
Segulos for helping one fulfill the mitzvah of honoring his parents: One who is having difficulty in fulfilling the mitzvah of honoring his parents, such as one who does not get along with his parents at home, should recite by heart several times a day, morning afternoon and evening, the […]