Was Balaam and Lavan the same person?

Question: [Sunday, 13th Tamuz, 5783] I have heard various conflicting things of the relationship between Balaam and Lavan with some saying that they were the same person and others saying that they were relatives and others saying that there is no connection. Can you clarify this matter? Answer: Indeed, in […]

Gentile-Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach

Gentile-Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach:[1] Although Gentiles were not commanded in the laws of honoring their father and mother as part of the seven Noahide commands[2], nevertheless, they are practically obligated in showing some degree of reverence to their parents.[3] [Thus, it is forbidden for a Gentile to shame, curse, or […]

May one use a straining bowl, spoon, or pot on Shabbos?

May one use a strainer or straining spoon or straining pot on Shabbos:[1] A. Background laws: The prohibition to separate using a utensil:[2] One who separates through the use of a vessel, is Biblically liable for the Borer prohibition if the vessel is designated for Borer purposes, such as a […]