Meaning of Es Vaheiv Basufa

Question: [Wednesday, 16th Tamuz, 5783] I have heard many times the words from Scripture of Es Vaheiv Basufa be used to describe peaceful relations between two people who were in a fight or between two scholars who argue with each other. Can you clarify how this verse hints to this […]

Child of a gentile mother and Jewish father:

Child of a gentile mother and Jewish father:[1] A person’s son from a maidservant [i.e., Shifcha Kenanis] or from a Gentile woman [is not considered Jewish and hence] is not liable [for hitting or cursing] his father or mother. [Likewise, this child who is a Gentile is not obligated in […]

Child before the age of Mitzvos:

Child before the age of Mitzvos:[1] A child was below the age of Bar/Bas Mitzvah is exempt from the mitzvah of honoring his parents just like he is exempt from all mitzvot of the Torah.[2] However, some Poskim[3] rule that although a child is not punished for not doing this […]