Question: How important is it to cut my nails on every Erev Shabbos? What if I cut them just once a month when they are long? Answer: It is a Mitzvah to cut one’s hand nails on every Erev Shabbos. This is to be included within one’s Erev Shabbos […]
How important is it to cut my nails on every Erev Shabbos?
Question: How important is it to cut my nails on every Erev Shabbos? What if I cut them just once a month when they are long? Answer: It is a Mitzvah to cut one’s hand nails on every Erev Shabbos. This is to be included within one’s Erev Shabbos […]
The obligation to desecrating Shabbos in order to help save someone’s life
The obligation to help save someone’s life even if it involves desecrating Shabbos: A. The Mitzvah and its reason:[1] One who has a life-threatening illness it is a Mitzvah [and obligation[2]] to transgress Shabbos on his behalf [to help heal him] and those who act with alacrity [and do so […]
The obligation to desecrating Shabbos in order to help save someone’s life
The obligation to help save someone’s life even if it involves desecrating Shabbos: A. The Mitzvah and its reason:[1] One who has a life-threatening illness it is a Mitzvah [and obligation[2]] to transgress Shabbos on his behalf [to help heal him] and those who act with alacrity [and do so […]
Rebbe Tarfon helping mother climb up and down the bed
Rebbe Tarfon helping mother climb up and down the bed:[1] Rebbe Tarfon had a mother whom whenever she desired to climb up to her bed he would bend down and have her climb on his back, and whenever she desired to go down from the bed she would climb down […]
Serving and honoring one’s parents with a positive attitude and a happy spirit
* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Check out our Amazon Sefarim Shop *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sponsor an Article Serving and honoring one’s parents with a positive attitude and a happy spirit:[1] One is to serve his […]
Making parent work hard for his benefit
Making parent work hard for his benefit:[1] One who makes his father [or mother] perform hard labor [i.e. grind flour in a mill] in order to save his parent from an even more difficult labor, and the child speaks appealingly to his father’s heart, and shows him that his intent […]
Supporting one’s parents-Mishel Av-Must one use one’s own money to feed, cloth, house, support, and serve one’s parents?
Supporting one’s parents-Mishel Av-Must one use one’s own money to feed, cloth, house, support, and serve one’s parents?[1] This Halacha is one of the most significant subjects and of most major importance within the laws of Kibbud Av Vaeim and is discussed extensively in the Talmud and Poskim. The subject […]
Supporting one’s parents and giving them Tzedaka
* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Check out our Amazon Sefarim Shop *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sponsor an Article Supporting one’s parents and giving them Tzedaka:[1] If one’s parents cannot afford to support themselves, then if the […]
Son cannot afford-Raising money and getting a job to support parents who cannot afford
Son cannot afford-Raising money and getting a job to support parents who cannot afford:[1] If the child cannot afford to feed his parents from his own money, then he is not obligated to beg for money [or get a job[2]] in order to feed his father. [Likewise, if the child […]