Love-Loving one’s parents:[1] The Zohar[2] describes the relationship between a child and parent as follows: “A son who cares after his father and mother whom he loves more than his own body and soul and all of his possessions are like nonexistent in the face of using them to give […]
Matters of honor that one is obligated towards his parents
Matters of honor that one is obligated towards his parents:[1] Included in the mitzvah to honor one’s parents are matters relating to thought, speech, and action. The mitzvah of honor affects how one should think of one’s parents, how one should speak of one’s parents and to one’s parents, […]
Personally answering the door for your parent
Personally answering the door for your parent:[1] Rebbe Avahu stated: One should honor his parent as did my son Avimi. My son Avimi had five sons in the lifetime of his father, and nonetheless when his father Rebbe Avahu would come knocking on the door, he would personally run up […]
Shliach-Can the mitzvah of honoring one’s parents be fulfilled through an emissary?
Shliach-Can the mitzvah of honoring one’s parents be fulfilled through an emissary?[1] It is possible to fulfill the mitzvah of honoring one’s parents through hiring someone to do so on one’s behalf.[2] One may even hire a Gentile for this purpose.[3] Nonetheless, as is the general rule, it is a […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Is there any issue with making a Siyum Misechta by a wedding?
Question: Is there any issue with making a Siyum Misechta by a wedding? Answer: No, there is no issue and this is not considered to be mixing one joy with another joy. Sources: See Sheilas Rav [Rav Chaim Kanievsky] 1:8 p. 57; Keren Orah Moed Katan 8b
Is there any issue with making a Siyum Misechta by a wedding?
Question: Is there any issue with making a Siyum Misechta by a wedding? Answer: No, there is no issue and this is not considered to be mixing one joy with another joy. Sources: See Sheilas Rav [Rav Chaim Kanievsky] 1:8 p. 57; Keren Orah Moed Katan 8b Bookmark
Not to replicate the form of hands of the Kohanim by Nesias Kapayim
Not to replicate the form of hands of the Kohanim by Nesias Kapayim:[1] One is not to replicate the form of hands of the Kohanim which they make by Nesias Kapayim [with the fingers straight and facing up[2]], as doing so arouses the ten powers of the side of evil […]
Not to replicate the form of hands of the Kohanim by Nesias Kapayim
Not to replicate the form of hands of the Kohanim by Nesias Kapayim:[1] One is not to replicate the form of hands of the Kohanim which they make by Nesias Kapayim [with the fingers straight and facing up[2]], as doing so arouses the ten powers of the side of evil […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Does the presence of a mother break Yichud for her son and another woman
Question: I am a young Bochur and need to go to a private female practitioner who works from her home for a certain medical procedure. Is it Yichud for me to go if I visit her together with my mother? She is not married. Answer: This matter is disputed […]
Does the presence of a mother break Yichud for her son and another woman
Question: I am a young Bochur and need to go to a private female practitioner who works from her home for a certain medical procedure. Is it Yichud for me to go if I visit her together with my mother? She is not married. Answer: This matter is disputed […]