0. Kibbud Av Va’eim-Introduction

Introduction 1. The verses in scripture: In scripture there are a number of commands and statements recorded in relation to one’s parents. The command of respecting one’s parents is recorded in two different areas in Scripture within the 10 Commandments. The first verse is in Parshas Yisro, in the list […]

Must one immerse a peeler in the Mikveh?

Question: Must one immerse a peeler in the Mikveh?   Answer:               Yes. If it will be also used for peeling foods that are edible raw, such as an Apple or carrot and the like, then it is to be immersed with a blessing. However, if it will only be used […]

Buying and wearing new clothing during the Nine Days

Buying and wearing new clothing: A. Buying clothing during the nine days:[1] It is forbidden to buy clothing during the nine days.[2] [This applies even to used clothing.[3]] This prohibition applies even against buying shoes [and undergarments, such as socks, undershirts and underwear[4]].[5] [This applies even if one does not […]