Choosing a Yeshiva for learning-Who gets to decide the father or son?[1] If a student desires to go to a certain institution of Torah study in which he believes he will [possibly] see more in his learning from the specific rabbi that is there, then he may go there even […]
Choosing a Shul to Daven-Who gets to decide the father or son?
Choosing a Shul to Daven-Who gets to decide the father or son?[1] If a son desires to go to a certain Shul to Daven because they Daven with greater concentration [or because they are more G-d-fearing[2]], then he may go there even if his mother [or father] protests this. The […]
Parent asks child to divorce spouse
Parent asks child to divorce spouse:[1] If a parent requests of their son to divorce his wife he is not obligated to listen to them.[2] If however, the wife is evil and causes pain to her husband and his parents, then it is a mitzvah to listen to their request […]
Choosing a spouse-Can a parent instruct who one’s son or daughter can marry?
Choosing a spouse-Can a parent instruct who one’s son or daughter can marry?[1] If a father protests to his son against the woman who his son desires to marry, then his son is not obligated to obey his father’s requests in this matter [and he may marry her if he […]
Listening to the instructions and commands of one’s parent and the limitations to the requests that they can make
Listening to the instructions and commands of one’s parent and the limitations to the requests that they can make:[1] *Important note: The below law focuses only on the obligations that the child has towards his parents and as to which instructions he is required to listen to. However, as explained […]
Kibbud Av Va’eim-Appendix 3-Summary of Miseches Kiddushin
Appendix 3-Summary of Miseches Kiddushin Talmud Kiddushin 30b-32a Kiddushin 30b 1. Is a woman obligated to honor her father and mother: Both men and women are equally obligated to honor and fear their father and mother. This is learned from the verse “Ish Imo Veaviv Tirau”, with the word […]
Kibbud Av Va’eim-Appendix 2-Summary of Rambam Mishneh Torah
Appendix 2-Summary of Rambam Mishneh Torah Hilchos Mamrim Chapter 5: Cursing and hitting one’s parent Halacha 1: Cursing and hitting one’s parent Cursing parent: One who curses his father or mother is liable for Sekila [i.e., death by stoning]. After death: This liability for Sekila for cursing one’s, parent applies […]
Kibbud Av Va’eim-Appendix 1-Summary of Shulchan Aruch [Michaber & Rama]
Appendix 1-Summary of Shulchan Aruch [Michaber & Rama] Chapter 240 Halacha 1: The Mitzvah and obligation One must be very careful in the honor of his father and mother and in fearing them. Can Beis Din enforce a child to honor or fear his parents: Despite the above obligation to […]
Kibbud Av Va’eim-Chapter 10: Honoring teachers, Rabbis, Torah scholars, & Elders
Chapter 10: Honoring teachers, Rabbis, Torah scholars, & Elders Below is a mere compilation of two laws relating to the above subject which we have published in previous publications. It in no way does full justice to the subject which includes three chapters in Shulchan Aruch [242-244] with over 60 […]
9. Kibbud Av Va’eim-Chapter 9: Rules for parents
Chapter 9: Rules for parents 1. Limits in what they can instruct their children-Not to overburden one’s child with demands and to be forgiving of one’s respect:[1] It is forbidden for a parent to overburden his children with demands and to be overparticular with their respect towards him, in order […]