Walking alone at night

Walking alone at night:[1] [Talmud/ Shulchan  Aruch/Shulchan  Aruch Harav/Achronim] One may not walk alone at night [on any night of the week[2]].[3] [In Talmudic times, this especially applied to Tuesday night and Friday night.[4] This especially applies when traveling.[5] This especially applies when walking in an unsettled area, outside of […]

Halachic Hazards Encyclopedia Letter B

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer  Buy here on Amazon Letter B Babies-Newborns: A. Metal:[1] [Achronim] It is considered a danger for a baby to place metal into their mouth.   B. Kashrus:[2] [Shulchan Aruch] One is to be very careful with the kashrus of foods eaten by children, starting […]

From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Saying Tehillim on Tishe Beav; 2) Must one sit or Stand for the recital of Kinos?; 3) Doing laundry before midday of the 10th if traveling

1) Saying Tehillim on Tishe Beav   Question: May one say Tehillim on Tishe Beav?   Answer:               Erev Tishe Beav: Yes, even past midday. Tishe Beav night from sunset: No. Tishe Beav day until Chatzos: No. Tishe Beav after Chatzos: Yes. One may say Tehillim by Mincha time and so […]