Smoking cigarettes-Is it permitted according to Halacha:[1] A. The law: There is no innate Halachic prohibition against smoking tobacco. The act of smoking tobacco is mentioned in numerous Poskim in regard to various Halachic matters[2], and was done by Gedolei Yisrael[3] of many generations as well as the average folk. […]
Yeshayahu/Isaiah Chapter 19: A prophecy regarding the fall of Egypt
Chapter 19: A prophecy regarding the fall of Egypt The following is a prophecy regarding the nation of Egypt. Fear of G-d: When G-d will appear in Egypt idols will tremble before Him and the people will melt from His presence. Civil War: A civil war will break out in […]
Is Coca-Cola kosher everywhere in the world even without a Hechsher?
Question: We were flying on a class trip from Europe to the USA and were offered by the flight attendants what seemed to be a European or perhaps Turkish brand of Coca-Cola which does not have the OU symbol or any other Kosher symbol on it. So my friend said […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Is Coca-Cola kosher everywhere in the world even without a Hechsher?
Question: We were flying on a class trip from Europe to the USA and were offered by the flight attendants what seemed to be a European or perhaps Turkish brand of Coca-Cola which does not have the OU symbol or any other Kosher symbol on it. So my friend said […]
May a parent serve a child and may a child ask a parent to do a chore for them
May a parent serve a child:[1] If a father desires to serve his son, it is permitted for the son to accept the service.[2] [Thus, if a father or mother desires to serve a meal to their son, they may do so, and the son does not have to protest […]
Tanya Chapter 5: The Unique unity with G-d experienced during Torah study
Buy Now-The Daily Tanya Summary Vol. 2 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode Donate Chapter 5: The Unique unity with G-d experienced during Torah study 30th Kisleiv/(LY)4th Teves 1. The term “grasp:” The following chapter will come to explain the wording of “grasp” […]
Tanya Chapter 4: The garments of the G-dly soul & how the soul bonds with G-d
Buy Now-The Daily Tanya Summary Vol. 1 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode Donate Chapter 4: The garments of the G-dly soul & how the soul bonds with G-d 27th Kisleiv/(LY)29th Kisleiv 1. The Levushim of the G-dly soul: The number of garments: […]
Yeshayahu/Isaiah Chapter 18: the war against Ashur & Gog Umagog
Chapter 18: the war against Ashur & Gog Umagog In this chapter of prophecies the prophet calls upon the nation of Cush to wage war against Ashur. Alternatively, the prophecy refers to the end of days and is in reference to the war of Gog Umagog.[1] The kings of Cush […]
Yeshayahu/Isaiah Chapter 17: the destruction of the nation and repentance of the Jewish people
Chapter 17: the destruction of the nation and repentance of the Jewish people The following is a prophecy concerning Damascus. Destruction of Damascus: Damascus will enter the depth of ruins. Destruction of Ephraim: The children of Israel from the kingdom of Ephraim will be exiled throughout the lands. Demotion of […]
Yeshayahu/Isaiah Chapter 15: A prophecy of the destruction of Moav
Chapter 15: A prophecy of the destruction of Moav The following is a prophecy concerning the nation of Moav and its being conquered by Sancheirev. Its destruction: The country will be ransacked while they sleep silently at night. The mourning: They will wear sackcloth and cry and shave their heads […]