Question: [Thursday 19th Iyar 5780] I tend to daven sometimes in a Chassidishe Shteibel for Mincha where I believe their minhag is not to say tachanun by Mincha even on reg days, my question is if I should say tachanun quietly even though they don’t or should I follow the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one cut his nails when Rosh Chodesh falls on Erev Shabbos?
May one cut his nails when Rosh Chodesh falls on Erev Shabbos?[1] Normally, one may[2] not cut their nails[3] on Rosh Chodesh.[4] However, when Rosh Chodesh falls on Erev Shabbos, some Poskim[5] rule it is permitted to cut the nails on Erev Shabbos Rosh Chodesh, and so is the implied […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Earning money from short-term Shabbos rentals
Question: I know that are not allowed to make money or do business on Shabbos. What do I do about my air B&B when I rent it out to Jewish families over Shabbos am I not allowed to charge them for their stay on Shabbos? Answer: There is no […]
Earning money from short-term Shabbos rentals
Question: I know that are not allowed to make money or do business on Shabbos. What do I do about my air B&B when I rent it out to Jewish families over Shabbos am I not allowed to charge them for their stay on Shabbos? Answer: There is no […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Does a woman become a Nida upon having an IUD inserted?
Question: With the Heter of a Rav I am having an IUD inserted, and the only available date for me to do it is smack in the middle of my Shiva Nekiyim? I am not nursing but am within two years after birth. I would like to know if the […]
Does a woman become a Nida upon having an IUD inserted?
Question: With the Heter of a Rav I am having an IUD inserted, and the only available date for me to do it is smack in the middle of my Shiva Nekiyim? I am not nursing but am within two years after birth. I would like to know if the […]
Tanya Chapter 6: The makeup of the animal soul & definition of good versus evil
Buy Now-The Daily Tanya Summary Vol. 2 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode Donate Chapter 6: The makeup of the animal soul & definition of good versus evil 2nd Teves/(LY)5th Teves The ten aspects and three garments of the animal soul: The anatomy […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Source for the idea that if you speak Lashon Hara about someone, you get all of his sins and he gets all of your Mitzvos?
Question: Is there any source for the idea that if you speak Lashon Hara about someone then you get all of his sins and he gets all of your Mitzvos? Answer: Yes. This idea is first recorded in the Chovos Halevavos of Rabbeinu Bechayeh, and from there it is […]
Is there any source for the idea that if you speak Lashon Hara about someone then you get all of his sins and he gets all of your Mitzvos?
Question: Is there any source for the idea that if you speak Lashon Hara about someone then you get all of his sins and he gets all of your Mitzvos? Answer: Yes. This idea is first recorded in the Chovos Halevavos of Rabbeinu Bechayeh, and from there it is […]
Smoking cigarettes-Part 1-The Halachic debate of its permissibility
Smoking cigarettes-Is it permitted according to Halacha:[1] A. The law: There is no innate Halachic prohibition against smoking tobacco. The act of smoking tobacco is mentioned in numerous Poskim in regard to various Halachic matters[2], and was done by Gedolei Yisrael[3] of many generations as well as the average folk. […]