The vengeance of a murder victim in Halacha

The vengeance of a murder victim in Halacha: The unprecedented, horrific and harrowing pogrom on Simchas Torah, which has left over 1000 Jewish men women and children savagely murdered in cold blood by a barbaric inhumane enemy, has rightfully boiled the blood of anger and vengeance within Jews in the […]

Wearing secondhand clothing of a gentile

Question: I heard that it’s forbidden or discouraged for one to wear clothing that was worn in the past by a gentile? Is this true? I would like to buy some secondhand clothing from a thrift shop which receives its clothing mainly from a Gentile clientele.   Answer:               There is […]

Misc Q&A on Laws of Chol Hamoed

Should one eat Mezonos and say the blessing of Leisheiv Basukkah after shaking Lulav?[1] Some Chassidim are particular, based on an acclaimed oral[2] statement of the Rebbe to a certain individual Chassid during the Yom Tov meals, to eat a Kibeitza of Mezonos and say Leisheiv Basukkah after shaking the […]

Working in a grocery on Chol Hamoed

Question: I have a job working in a grocery shop during the year and was asked to come in during Chol Hamoed, which is a regular workday. May I do so?   Answer:               Yes. It is permitted for you to continue to work as normal in a grocery shop over […]