Question: In the past I heard that if a person is careful to fulfill the mitzvah of dwelling in the Sukkah then this is a Segula for Shalom Bayis. Is this accurate? Answer: Yes, there is a source for this statement in the Yifei Laleiv who writes as follows: […]
May one eat in someone else’s Sukkah without permission
Question: I do not have enough outdoor space to build a sukkah and will have to rely on people’s sukkah in the neighborhood. My question is whether I need to ask permission to enter their sukkah. Obviously if I plan on eating a meal with my family in their sukkah […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one eat in someone else’s Sukkah without permission
Question: I do not have enough outdoor space to build a sukkah and will have to rely on people’s sukkah in the neighborhood. My question is whether I need to ask permission to enter their sukkah. Obviously if I plan on eating a meal with my family in their sukkah […]
Taking a pill on Yom Kippur
Question: I am on a psychiatric pill which is required to be taken every single day at the same exact time for it to properly work. This is my first Yom Kippur on the pill and I would like to know what I am supposed to do on Yom Kippur […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Taking a psychiatric pill on Yom Kippur
Question: I am on a psychiatric pill which is required to be taken every single day at the same exact time for it to properly work. This is my first Yom Kippur on the pill and I would like to know what I am supposed to do on Yom Kippur […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Using a Lulav with a split middle leaf [i.e. Tiyomes] in years that Sukkos falls on Shabbos?
Question: I was told that this year since Sukkos falls on Shabbos, we are therefore lenient in various laws of the Daled Minim, including that this year we do not have to be careful that the middle leaf, known as the Tiyomes, be completely closed on its top. Is this […]
Using a Lulav with a split middle leaf [i.e. Tiyomes] in years that Sukkos falls on Shabbos?
Question: I was told that this year since Sukkos falls on Shabbos, we are therefore lenient in various laws of the Daled Minim, including that this year we do not have to be careful that the middle leaf, known as the Tiyomes, be completely closed on its top. Is this […]
Tzar Baalei Chaim & Treifos by Kaparos: Not letting your chicken see the slaughter of another chicken
Question: I met an individual who told me that he refuses to do Kaparos on chickens because he feels that the way it is done is cruel to the chickens, being that amongst other factors the slaughtering takes place in view of all the other chickens, and this causes unnecessary […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Tzar Baalei Chaim & Treifos by Kaparos: Not letting your chicken see the slaughter of another chicken
Question: I met an individual who told me that he refuses to do Kaparos on chickens because he feels that the way it is done is cruel to the chickens, being that amongst other factors the slaughtering takes place in view of all the other chickens, and this causes unnecessary […]
No break between the Shevarim and Terua
Question: Our Baal Tokeai did not make a really noticeable break between the Shevarim and Terua in the set of Tashrat, in the blowing that follows the reading of the Torah? Were these blows valid? To note, he claims that he did make a very slight break which perhaps us […]