0. Lo Sachmod – The prohibition against envy, jealousy, and coveting the item of another [Full Article] 0 450
1. Honesty and ethics in business transactions – Going back on your word in a sale or gift [Full Article] 0 544
Does the concept of Hasagas Gevul apply to a Kolel or Torah Shiurim? May one open a second Kolel or Mosad of Torah Shiurim in the same city as a current one? 0 416
False promises – The prohibition against making a promise or agreement without intent to fulfill it 0 275
Going back on a sale agreement [without Kinyan] if the market value of the product has changed, or other unexpected changes occurred 0 417
Hasagas Gvul in Torah education and occupations-Can an infringement claim be brought against a new Torah class, new Yeshiva, new Rabbi in town, and new Chabad house? 0 3498
Selling checks, bonds and IOU’s – The Ribis regulations applicable to selling a debt or loan to a third party 0 4704
Supporting Jewish businesses-The obligation to do business with a fellow Jew [i.e. buying, selling, investments, hiring]: 1 4744
Tips and Gratuity fees-Is one Halachically obligated to give a tip for a service he received, [i.e. waiter, cab driver, bartender, mover, etc]? 1 3886