From the Rav’s Desk: Shaalos Veteshuvos on Tefillin, Mezuzos & More

May one say Daven Shacharis without a Tallis Gadol if none is available?


May one say Daven without a Tallis Gadol? I had my tefillin checked and by the time I picked them up the next day, I had no time to go to a shul to Daven before Sof Zeman. Problem was I did not have my Tallis Gadol with me, and was faced with the question of whether I may Daven without a Tallis Gadol.



You may Daven without a Tallis Gadol for the sake of Davening within Zeman Tefila.



The Poskim write that if one does not have Tefillin available and suspects that the time of Tefila will pass by the time he receives the Tefillin, then he is to Daven without Tefillin. The same applies regarding a Tallis, and certainly applies to a Tallis Gadol, if one is already wearing a tallis Katan, in which case there is no Eidus Sheker applicable at all.


Sources: See regarding Tefillin: Admur 66:11 and 80:3; Siddur Admur [letter 22 in Raskin] “One who fears the time of Shema/Tefila will pass until he finds Tefillin, is to read Shema and Daven without Tefillin”; M”A 66:12; Levush 58:2; M”B 25:14, 46:33, 66:40; Ketzos Hashulchan 8:3; See Mor Uketzia 25; Beir Moshe 5:5; See regarding Tallis: Admur 58:4 in end regarding Shema before sunset; See Mor Uketzia 25; Beir Moshe 5:5

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From the Rav’s Desk: Shaalos Veteshuvos on Peyos & More

Post Views: 119 Placing the Peyos behind or covering ears Placing the Peyos behind or covering ears:[1] A person should avoid covering his ears with his Peyos during Shemoneh Esrei and throughout Davening. [Some[2] learn that one is to be particular in this throughout the day and not just during

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