Daily Tanach Wednesday Shmuel 2 Chapter 19 Part 4: A controversy breaks out between the people of Yehuda and the rest of Israel

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

1.      A controversy breaks out between the people of Yehuda and the rest of Israel:

  • The king is escorted back home by the tribe of Judah: The king crossed to the city of Gilgola and Kimhan traveled together with him. Likewise, all of the people of Judah helped the king cross [the Jordan River and return back to Jerusalem] together with half [i.e., a minor amount[1]] of the nation of Israel.
  • The other tribes confront the king: The rest of the Jewish people [excluding the tribe of Judah] came to the king and confronted him for having let the tribe of Judah “steal their hearts” by escorting the king and his household and all of his men alone through the Jordan [and not waiting for them to arrive and join the escort, hence making it appear as if they don’t want to re-coronate the king[2]].
  • The reply of the men of Judah: All the men of Judah replied to the men of Israel, “The reason that we did this is because the king comes from our tribe, and after all there is nothing to be angry about over the fact that we escorted him, as we did not participate in any of his meals and he has given us any gifts [and hence there was no profit involved in escorting him].”
  • The reply to the men of Israel: The men of Israel replied to the men of Judah, “We have 10 times greater strength than you in relevance of the king [as we represent 10 tribes, and you only represent one[3]] and therefore we should have stronger influence with Dovid than you. Why then did you shame us and not allow us to be the first ones to come and escort our king.”
  • In summary of the controversy, the men of Judah ended up speaking much harsher words than the men of Israel.

[1] Radak 19:41

[2] See Radak 19:42

[3] Rashi 19:44

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