Post Views: 502
(LY) 25th Adar 1
- Love of a fellow Jew is the entire Torah:
- The statement of Hillel: Based on the above, we can understand the statement of Hillel the Elder who stated that the Mitzvah to love a fellow Jew is the entire Torah and the remainder of the Torah is simply its commentary. [On the outset, this seems like a most wondrous and puzzling statement, as what connection is there between all the other 613 commands and this one command?]
- Achieving true love of a fellow Jew fulfills the entire purpose of the Torah which is to elevate the soul to G-d above and draw G-dliness to the Jewish souls below: [Rather, the intent of Hillel is that through going through with the exercise to bring one to have true love of a fellow Jew one fulfills the entire purpose of all the other commands of the Torah.] You see, the entire root and purpose of the Torah is to elevate the soul over the body to the highest of heights up until the root and source of all the worlds. Likewise, the purpose is to also draw down the infinite light of G-d into the general souls of Israel [i.e. Kneses Yisrael], which is the source of all souls of the Jewish people, in order to unite them with G-d so they be one with the true One. This drawing down of G-dliness to the Jewish souls cannot be achieved when there is discord between the Jewish souls, as G-d does not reside in a blemished area, as can be seen from the wording of the common blessing in which we ask G-d to bless us all as one, [as the oneness draws down the blessing], as will be explained in length elsewhere.
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