Honoring one’s parent during a meal:[1]
One should precede his parent prior to other people regarding all matters.
Preceding by a meal:[2] Thus, for example, by a meal that the child is hosting the father and mother should receive their food portion prior to others and should receive the best of the food portions.
Preceding by a Zimun:[3] When making a Zimun one should precede asking permission from his father prior to asking permission from others.
Washing hands first:[4] When washing hands prior to a meal [that the child is hosting] one should allow his parent to wash his hands prior to everyone else.
[1] Encyclopedia Talmudit Erech Kibud Av Vaeim Vol. 26 p. 383 footnotes 177-181
[2] Sefer Chassidim 579
[3] Shach Y.D. 242:27
[4] Aruch Hashulchan 240:11
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