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Ladders-An unstable ladder:[1] [Shulchan Aruch/Shulchan Aruch Harav/Achronim]
It is [Biblically[2]] forbidden for one to allow an unstable ladder to remain in one’s house and yard [due to the potential danger that it poses to one who may unknowingly use it]. [One who does not do so transgresses both a Biblical positive and negative command.[3] Nonetheless, a blessing is not recited upon removing it.[4] Likewise, according to all opinions, the ladder may be removed by a gentile.[5]]
An unstable staircase: Based on the above, one can derive that it is likewise Biblically forbidden for one to own an unstable staircase, and it needs to be fixed right away. Likewise, an unstable stair guardrail must be fixed right away.
Selling land:[6] One is not to sell the first property of land that he purchased, as doing so is not a good omen.
Selling ancestral property:[7] A person should not sell his ancestral property.
A. Laundering one’s clothing:[8] [Talmud/Achronim]
If one does not launder his clothing this can lead him to insanity.
B. Not to wear a freshly laundered shirt:[9] [Talmud/Shulchan Aruch Harav/Achronim]
One who wears a laundered shirt which did not pass 8 days from after it was laundered, this can lead to leprosy.[10] [This however only applies by a shirt which was washed with mere cold water. If, however, hot water was used, or one used soap and detergent then it no longer applies. Likewise, even when one used clear cold water it may be worn in honor of Shabbos or Yom Tov.[11] Furthermore, some Poskim[12] rule that this worry is no longer applicable today, being that our form of laundry is different than previous times. However, the Chazon Ish was stringent in this even today.[13]]
C. Avoiding hanging laundry at night:[14] [Sichas Nashim/Tradition of some-No source]
Many families in Jerusalem carry a tradition to avoid hanging laundry at night and some remove it even if it was hung before night. [While such families who received such a tradition may and should honor it, it is not obligatory for others to follow.]
Leap year:[15] [Achronim]
A leap year is dangerous for pregnant woman for them to have miscarriages.[16] It is likewise dangerous for nursing women.[17] In general, in leap years people are more prone to illness, especially children.[18]
Miscellaneous things which cause leprosy:[19] [Talmud/Shulchan Aruch Harav/Rishonim/Achronim]
- Hot water on skin: One who is accustomed to pour water which is extremely hot on one’s skin, this can lead to leprosy.[20]
- One who steps on the peels of eggs [can lead to leprosy]. [See Eggshells]
- Laundered shirt:[21] One who wears a laundered shirt which did not pass 8 days from after it was laundered, this can lead to leprosy.[22] [This however only applies by a shirt which was washed with mere cold water. If, however, hot water was used, or one used soap and detergent then it no longer applies. Likewise, even when one used clear cold water it may be worn in honor of Shabbos or Yom Tov.[23]]
- One who eats fish and meat together [can cause leprosy] as explained in Yoreh Deah Chapter 116.
A. Walking barefoot on lice:[24] [Achronim]
One who walks barefoot on top of lice that are on the ground causes himself the illness called “Geli Zucht.”
B. Killing lice:[25] [Achronim]
One who kills lice on top of his bed is liable for his own soul. Likewise, it is a danger for one to kill lice on top of his clothing.[26]
C. Netilas Yadayim after touching lice:[27] [Shulchan Aruch/Shulchan Aruch Harav/Achronim]
One who touches[28] lice is required to wash his hands one time [immediately] afterwards.[29] [This applies even if the lice was found in an area that does not contain sweat, and certainly if found in an area of sweat.[30] This applies even if one only touched it with his pinky.[31]]
Removing lice from ones clothing: One who checks his clothing for lice is required to wash his hands one time [immediately] afterwards even if he did not find any lice.
Lice from areas with sweat versus lice from other areas:[32] If one touched a lice from a sweaty area [i.e. such as from ones hair, or normally covered part of the body] then it is forbidden to learn Torah, Daven until one washes, or cleans his hands. However, if it is touched in an area that does not contain sweat, then he is not required to wash/clean his hands prior to learning Torah or Davening.[33] [However, all lice, even if it is found in an area that does not contain sweat, causes the evil spirit to rest on the hands, and therefore one is required to wash his hands with water.[34]]
A. The cleanliness of the air:[35] [Achronim]
A person should try to live in an area with clean and clear air. For this purpose, one should live in a high-altitude area and in a wide structure [in order to help the air to pass and clear and avoid stuffiness].
B. The climate:[36] [Achronim]
The climate which is of benefit to the body’s health is mediocre not too hot and not too cold.
C. Married siblings living in the same city:[37] [Sefer Chassidim/Tzavah of Rav Yehuda Hachassid/Achronim]
Four siblings: Rebbe Yehuda Hachassid[38] states that it is proper for four married brothers or four married sisters to not live in the same city in order so they live good and lengthy days, as it is rare to find four married brothers or four married sisters who live in the same city and all have lengthy lives. A hint for this can be found in the verse[39] “Ki Yeishvu Achim Yachdav, Umeis Echad Meihem.” [Both the words Achim and Yachdav, is written in plural hence hinting to this idea of four siblings.[40]]
Two or three siblings: In the Tzavah, Rebbe Yehuda implies that even two brothers who are married are not to live together in the same city.[41] However, some Poskim[42] rule that the worry is specifically with four married brothers and sisters living in the same city and not with two or three. On the contrary, it is better for two siblings to live in the same city than for one to live there alone, and even better for there to be three siblings who live in the same city.[43] Other Poskim[44] rule that the worry applies even to three married couples who live in the same city, but not with two.
Nonpolitical leaders: Some Poskim[45] suggest that perhaps the entire warning above only applies to siblings who are political leaders in the same city, and is not a warning against regular siblings from living together in the same city. Practically, the majority of the Poskim reject this approach.
City of upbringing: Some Poskim[46] rule that the above worry only applies when the couples come to live in a new city due to Ayin Hara, however, if they marry and remain in the city which they grew up in, then there is no worry involved, as everyone is already aware of their presence and accustomed to them.
If the parents live in the city: Some Poskim[47] rule that the worry only applies if the parents do not live in the same city as the siblings, however, if the parents also live in the city, then there is no issue involved. Eretz Yisrael: Some Poskim[48] rule that the worry does not apply to Eretz Yisrael.
Torah Scholars: Some Poskim[49] rule that the worry does not apply to Torah scholars.
The Rebbe’s directives: The Rebbe stated that regarding matters such as these we apply the rule of “Man Delo Kapid Lo Kapdinan Bahdei/Whoever is not particular we are not particular with him.”[50] However, in at least two scenarios, the Rebbe gave a directive for married siblings to not live in the same building, although he did not require them to live in separate cities.[51]
D. A mountainous and hilly location:[52] [Talmud]
One who lives in a mountainous and hilly location which requires him to climb up and down ends up aging early due to exertion.
Looking hazards and restrictions:
See “Sight”
The Poskim[54] rule that one is not to follow a lottery for decision making, as the verse states “Tamim Tihyeh Es Hashem Elokecha.”[55] On the other hand, Goralos were used in scripture for the making of different decisions, such as to distribute the land amongst the Shevatim, and to determine who sinned by taking the spoils from the city of Aiy. Accordingly, in some sources we find justification for the performance of a Goral to make a decision and that it has Halachic standing.[56] [Practically, one should avoid using a Goral to determine a decision, although may do so to decide who goes first in a ball game, and all other matters of the like in which all parties agree to flip a coin to arbitrate between a decision between them, even though such a decision may not be Halachically binding.]
[1] Admur Shemiras Guf Vinefesh Halacha 3; Bava Kama 14b; See Rambam Hilchos Talmud Torah 6:14
[2] Admur ibid includes this in his first example of safety matters that if one does not beware of it, then he transgresses both a Biblical positive and negative command
[3] Admur ibid, as explained in Chapter 1 Halacha 1
[4] Minchas Chinuch 547; Imreiy Yaakov 10:11
The reason: As it is not included in the Biblical positive command of building a fence. [ibid]
[5] Minchas Chinuch 547; Imreiy Yaakov 10:11
[6] Kiddushin 59a; Ben Ish Chaiy Pinchas 2:13; Kaf Hachaim 116:188; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 214:1
[7] Shemiras Hanefesh 154; Ben Ish Chaiy Pinchas 2:13; Kaf Hachaim 116:188; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 214:2
[8] Nedarim 81a; Shemiras Hanefesh 148; Aruch Hashulchan 260:4; Kaf Hachaim 116:186; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 65:1; 73:1
[9] Admur Hilchos Shemiras Guf Vinefesh Halacha 9; ; Pesachim 111b; Rashi and Rashbam Pesachim ibid; Ketzos Hashulchan 73 footnote 23; Tav Yehoshua 17:4; Oholei Sheim 3:38; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 73:2-3
[10] The reason: As the original lice [which were on the clothing] are able to return and live, and they can cause leprosy. [Admur ibid]
[11] Ketzos Hashulchan 73 footnote 23
As is evident from the institution of Ezra to do laundry on Thursday to one’s clothes which he will be wearing on Shabbos, and as is also evident from the allowance to wash an only shirt on Chol Hamoed and wear it that day.
[12] Tav Yehoshua 17:4; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 73:3
[13] Sefer Taama Dekra 1; See Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 73:3 footnote 4
[14] See Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] Mavo 16:4
[15] Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 268:4
[16] Levush O.C. 685; Bideiy Moshe on Midrash Raba Lech Lecha 47
[17] Bideiy Moshe on Midrash Raba Lech Lecha 47
[18] Shelah p. 306; See Divrei Yisrael 1
[19] Admur Hilchos Shemiras Guf Vinefesh Halacha 9
[20] Admur ibid; Pesachim 112b; Rashi and Rashbam Pesachim ibid; See Rambam Deios 4:16
[21] Admur Hilchos Shemiras Guf Vinefesh 9; Pesachim 111b; Rashi and Rashbam Pesachim ibid; Ketzos Hashulchan 73 footnote 23; Tav Yehoshua 17:4; Oholei Sheim 3:38
[22] The reason: As the original lice [which were on the clothing] are able to return and live, and they can cause leprosy. [Admur ibid]
[23] Ketzos Hashulchan 73 footnote 23
As is evident from the institution of Ezra to do laundry on Thursday to one’s clothes which he will be wearing on Shabbos, and as is also evident from the allowance to wash an only shirt on Chol Hamoed and wear it that day.
[24] Shemiras Hanefesh 114; Sefer Zechira; Kaf Hachaim 116:172; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 106:4
[25] Derech Eretz Raba 11; Sefer Zechira; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 249:1-2
[26] Sefer Zechira; Shemiras Hanefesh 44:3; Kol Bo 118; Chulin 81b; Peri Chadash Y.D. 116:9; Elya Raba 3:10; Reb Akiva Eiger O.C. 156; Kaf Hachaim 170:82; 3:26; Likkutei Maharich ; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 252:1
[27] Admur Kama 4:18; 97:3; Michaber 4:18; See Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 54:23 footnote 36 and 38
[28] This applies even if he did not kill the lice and merely touched it. [Admur 97:3; See Kaf Hachaim 4:84] See Ashel Avraham Butchach that even looking at lice with intent of discarding requires washing.
[29] The reason: As the impure spirit resides on the hands upon touching lice. [Admur 97:3]
Other Opinions: Some Poskim rule that touching lice does not bring an impure spirit and hence does not require washing with water. Rather the hand requires cleaning in any fashion in order to be allowed to learn Torah. [See Machatzis Hashekel 4:17; Nivei Shalom 4:12; Machazik Bracha brought in Shaareiy Teshuvah 4:12; Soles Belula 4:14 in name of Makor Chaim; Ben Ish Chaiy Toldos 17] Admur however rules that it causes impurity, and hence he rules only washing with water helps. So also rules Kisei Eliyahu ibid; Yifei Laleiv 4:18 in name of Mor Uketzia; Peri Megadim 4 M”Z 14; and so is implied from many Poskim. [brought in Kaf Hachaim 4:60]
[30] Setimas Admur Kama ibid and Michaber ibid; Implication of Admur 97:3 that the difference between a lice found in a sweaty area and a non-sweaty area is only with regards to if it requires washing or cleaning of the hands prior to Davening, however regarding Ruach Ra’ah, the lice of both areas cause the evil spirit to rest. So is implied from Admur in parentheses ibid who writes “It does not need washing for Davening” hence implying that it does need washing for the Ruach Ra’ah. Likewise, so is implied from the end of the Halacha in 97:3 that the Ruach Reah refers to all forms of lice, and so learns the editors of the new Shulchan Aruch Harav in footnote 33. All this is unlike the understanding of Rav Levi Bistritzky in his Hagah the Kitzur SHU”A 2:8 who writes that according to Admur 97:3 only lice from sweaty areas require one to wash his hands. The above, however, clearly negates his conclusion.
[31] Ketzos Hashulchan 2:11; Kaf Hachaim 4:64 in name of Peri Megadim
[32] Admur 97:3
[33] Admur ibid in parentheses
The reason: As this is simply like touching and other impure animal, which does not require washing for prayer or Davening. [Admur ibid in parentheses]
[34] See previous footnotes!
[35] Kitzur SHU”A 32:25
[36] Kitzur SHU”A 32:26
[37] See Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 211
[38] Sefer Chassidim 247; See Tzavah 33
[39] Devarim 25:5
[40] Pirush Kadmon on Sefer Chassidim ibid; Bris Olam of Chida on Sefer Chassidim ibid
[41] Tzavah Rebbe Yehuda Hachassid 38; Arugas Habosem Y.D. 118
[42] Shivim Temarim 38; Pirush Kadmon on Sefer Chassidim ibid; Beris Olam of Chida on Sefer Chassidim ibid; Melukat Miyalzu Chassidim 247:2; Arugas Habosem ibid; Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh ibid footnote 1-2
[43] Shivim Temarim ibid; Pirush Kadmon on Sefer Chassidim ibid as Chut Hameshulash Lo Yinatek
[44] Sheilas Shalom Tinyana 86; Darkei Teshuvah 116:47
[45] Makor Chesed on Tzavah ibid, based on Yerushalmi Peiah 8:6
[46] Sheilas Shalom Tinyana 86; Darkei Teshuvah 116:47
[47] Yad Efraim on Tzavah ibid; See Shulchan Chaiy 97:2
[48] Yad Efraim on Tzavah ibid
[49] Yifei Laleiv 3 Kuntrus Achron Y.D. 116:4
[50] See Igros Kodesh 14:399, printed in Shulchan Menachem 4 p. 29
[51] See Igros Kodesh 14:399; Shulchan Menachem 4 p. 29; p. 120; Koveitz Ubiurim Oholei Torah 767 p. 34
[52] Eiruvin 56a
[53] See Encyclopedia Talmudit “Goral”; Minchas Asher Maasei 4
[54] Michaber 179:1; Chesed Lealafim 179:4; Sefer Chassidim 701 [unlike 679]; Kneses Hagedola C.M. 173
[55] Rama ibid
[56] Sefer Chassidim 679 regarding what to throw off ship during storm [unlike 701]; Teshuvos Hageonim 645:57 that whoever argues on Goral is like one who argues on the ten commandments; Chavos Yair 61; See Bava Basra 106b regarding Chaluka of land; Regarding making a Goral to determine monetary matters: See Michaber and Rama C.M. 173:2 for a dispute; Rambam and Raavad Shecheinim 2:11 for a dispute; Shevus Yaakov 3:162; Pischeiy Teshuvah 173:3; Nesivos 154:6;
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