2. Menu when Tisha B’av falls on Shabbos

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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2. Menu:[1]

When Tisha B’av falls on Shabbos, there are no restrictions towards the Shabbos menu and one may eat meat, fish and wine as much as his heart desires, and may feast to the point that was done on the table of Shlomo Hamelech. [Accordingly, one should add even more foods to the menu on this Shabbos in comparison to a regular Shabbos.[2]]

Seudas Hamafsekes: When Shabbos falls on Erev Tisha B’av there are no Seudas Hamafsekes limitations relevant to the final meal before the fast.

May a Shul hold a Kiddush on Shabbos Tisha B’av, as it is usually accustomed to do weekly?[3]


[1] Michaber 552:10

[2] Toras Menachem 5751 4:85

[3] Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:5

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