Chapter 41: The Divine service of lower fear and accepting the yoke of heaven 17th Nissan/(LY) 10th Nissan The necessity of arousing fear of Hashem in addition to arousing love: Fear of G-d is the start of Divine service: One must always remember the beginning of Avoda and its root […]
May women wear Tefillin?
May women wear Tefillin?[1] Exemption:[2] Women are exempt from wearing Tefillin. The reason for this is because Tefillin is a time dependent positive command[3], as Shabbos and Yom Tov is not a time for Tefillin.[4] [Likewise, according to Kabala, the Mitzvah of Tefillin only applies to men, while women are […]
May women wear Tefillin?
May women wear Tefillin?[1] Exemption:[2] Women are exempt from wearing Tefillin. The reason for this is because Tefillin is a time dependent positive command[3], as Shabbos and Yom Tov is not a time for Tefillin.[4] [Likewise, according to Kabala, the Mitzvah of Tefillin only applies to men, while women are […]
Tanya Chapter 40: The effect that Love and Fear have on one’s Torah and Mitzvos
Buy Now-The Daily Tanya Summary Vol. 2 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode Donate Chapter 40: The effect that Love and Fear have on one’s Torah and Mitzvos 13th Nissan/(LY)5th Nissan What happens to the Torah of one learns it habitually, without love […]
What blessing should be recited over plane date honey known as silan?
Question: What blessing should be recited upon eating plane date honey known as silan. Haeitz or Shehakol? And why after blessing should be recited, Borei Nefashos or Al Hapeiros? Answer: Shehakol and Borei Nefashos. Explanation: It is a clear ruling that the juice from a fruit receives the blessing […]
From the Rav’s Desk: What blessing should be recited over plane date honey known as silan?
Question: What blessing should be recited upon eating plane date honey known as silan. Haeitz or Shehakol? And why after blessing should be recited, Borei Nefashos or Al Hapeiros? Answer: Shehakol and Borei Nefashos. Explanation: It is a clear ruling that the juice from a fruit receives the blessing […]
The custom of not leaving home and going to Shul after birth
The custom of not leaving home and going to Shul after birth:[1] A. The original custom: It is an age old Jewish custom for women who are after birth to not leave their home for a period of four weeks from the birth[2], and to then enter a Shul [as […]
The custom of not leaving home and going to Shul after birth
The custom of not leaving home and going to Shul after birth:[1] A. The original custom: It is an age old Jewish custom for women who are after birth to not leave their home for a period of four weeks from the birth[2], and to then enter a Shul [as […]
Escorting and kissing the Sefer Torah when it is returned back to the Aron
Escorting and kissing the Sefer Torah when it is returned back to the Aron:[1] Standing:[2] It is an obligation upon everyone to stand while the Sefer Torah is being returned to the Aron. See Chapter 3 Halacha 5 for the full details of this matter! Escorting-The congregation:[3] It is a […]
Escorting and kissing the Sefer Torah when it is returned back to the Aron
Escorting and kissing the Sefer Torah when it is returned back to the Aron:[1] Standing:[2] It is an obligation upon everyone to stand while the Sefer Torah is being returned to the Aron. See Chapter 3 Halacha 5 for the full details of this matter! Escorting-The congregation:[3] It is a […]