Lighting candles on Motzei Shabbos

Lighting candles on Motzei Shabbos:[1] Some are accustomed to light more candles on Motzei Shabbos than they are accustomed to light during the regular weeknights. This is done in order to escort the Shabbos after its leave just as it is customary for one to escort the King upon him […]

Moving and destroying an oven

Moving and destroying an oven:[1] A. The restriction: A person should not destroy an oven which he used for baking in order to make use of the space that the oven was in. One who does not adhere to this enters himself into grave danger.[2] [Many are accustomed to being […]

May women wear Tefillin?

May women wear Tefillin?[1] Exemption:[2] Women are exempt from wearing Tefillin. The reason for this is because Tefillin is a time dependent positive command[3], as Shabbos and Yom Tov is not a time for Tefillin.[4] [Likewise, according to Kabala, the Mitzvah of Tefillin only applies to men, while women are […]

Parshas Vayeitzei-Summary of Parsha, Torah Or, Likkutei Sichos, Video Shiurim; Halachos, Stories

Parshas Vayeitzei-Summary of Parsha Click Here Parshas Vayeotzei-Parsha Bee Click Here Parshas Vayeitzei-Parsha Insights Not Available Parshas Vayeitzei-Mamar Torah Or The mystical levels of Leah and Rachel Click Here Parshas Vayeitzei-Selected Teachings from Torah Or 1) The meaning of a stone becoming the house of G-d; 2) Function of Yaakov; […]

May one celebrate Thanksgiving?

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on May one celebrate Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is celebrated annually in the United States on the fourth/last Thursday of November and is considered a Federal holiday, in which people have off from work and spend time with family. Customarily, […]